Give a Book ... Buy a Cowboy



3,620 books given to date!

Well we did it!  Together with our customers and donations we have made 540 smiles and championed the cause of literacy!  On Friday, November 16th, we presented each child at Capitol Hill Elementary School with an age appropriate book to match their reading level!  It was true JOY to watch these children receive their books!  It was an early Christmas present.  Our social media support and financial support has been a blessing.  We have received many requests from YOU in regards to how you can help champion the cause,  

1) Buy a Cowboy  
2) Give a donation through the following resources

We have set up donation options through PayPal and Venmo.  If you don't feel comfortable giving through these organizations hit the 'GET A HOLDS OF US' button on our Home page, drop us a note and we will work something out.  Keep checking our website as we will update with pictures and post a score card of where we are in our distribution!